Pravartan- The Innovation

Pravartan- The Innovation

455 students of all the Baroda High Schools, working under the aegis of BLCET, presented more than 155 projects at Baroda High School Danteshwar.

The young innovators from all BHS units presented working prototypes of innovative solutions for addressing community issues.

The Chief Guest – Prof. R G Kothari, Vice- Chancellor VNSGU Surat, Guest of Honour- Shri H T Patel, Founder Yuvalay, Shri Mayur Swadia President of BLCET, Shri Jagdish Shukla Treasurer, Ms. Anjali Dave Chairperson Pre-Primary & Primary, Trustee Dr. Shrinivasan Iyengar, Shri Jatin Trivedi (VIC), students and parents of other schools visited the exhibition and motivated our student innovators.