From the Principal’s Desk

Sapna Bakshi Principal

The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

It is a privilege for me to be communicating to you through our school website. 

Right from its inception, our school has been continuously upgrading its teaching techniques, reaching altitudes to satisfy the quest of young minds. The ‘integrated teaching’ approach to education, completely aligned with the New Education Policy 2020, is employed where lessons are intricately inter woven for better understanding and to give a real life dimension to book learning. Classroom learning is well integrated with activities and outdoor learning to provide complete theoretical and practical understanding.

The school offers a range of co-curricular activities, including sports, drama, dance, music, art and project work. Learning is enhanced by field trips, resource people and special programs like SFG, SFA and TFJ (Tod Fod Jod).

We aim at providing the right exposure and platform for building confident individuals with their roots grounded in tradition

We believe in discovering, revealing and strengthening the inner potential of each individual in the school – be it students, teachers or the administrative staff. 

The school and parents are partners in the education of the children. It is a privilege- we welcome and look forward to working closely with our parent community.

I take this opportunity to thank all the parents who have helped us in this endeavour and I also congratulate our staff and students for their hard work and commitment to this cause.

I hope, with the combined effort of my team, goodwill of our friends and blessings of our patrons, our school will continue to evolve consistently.

Sapna Bakshi
