Baroda Lions Club Education Trust celebrated ‘World IPR Day’

Baroda Lions Club Education Trust celebrated ‘World IPR Day’

Baroda Lions Club Education Trust celebrated ‘World IPR Day’ by arranging an expert session on 26th April 2024 for all 9th, 10th and 11th Std. students of all BHS units. The topic of the session was “Crafting Tomorrow’s Innovators’.

Name of the speaker – Mr. Sunil Agarkar, Legal Entrepreneur & Arbitrator.

Venue: AV Room. Baroda High School, Alkapuri

Mr Sunil shared his knowledge in this field and guided the students to protect their innovations and follow the ethics in the world on science and innovation.
The students were given the meaning of terms like copyright, trademark, patent…etc.
The students showed active participation by asking questions and answering questions asked by the expert.
It was an interactive and very fruitful session.